neallllMy husband is grumpy!

It is a male thing, I think. He had a tantrum on Friday night when we were “up town” watching the big Christmas Light Switch On. He was hungry and needed feeding, he is worse than our almost four year old son. A quick detour to the Chinese for a bowl of noodles, and I hoped this would appease the situation. But oh no! He then complained that he had indigestion, was sick in a pub toilet, complained about me rushing his food, and then whinged he was cold. He did not have much of the festive spirit.

I would like to say that this was a one off grump, but oh no! The festive mood of a grumpy old man seems to have stayed for the weekend. Saturday’s “issues” were, fishing bait or the lack of it  in our house, the cost of renewing his passport, the fact that he no longer smokes and still wants a cigarette every moment of every day. and finally and I think this is the best, how Apple are conniving  and inconsiderate  as they have added a chip to the new iPhone 5 charger to stop customers buying cheaper counterfeit ones. This had him really moaning, I mean like it was his sole aim in the world to be grumpy about Apple. Especially, as I am the very proud new owner of an iPhone 5, this really got him grumpy.

Sunday saw the grump, be grumpy with people. Anyone and everyone was fair game here. And between me and you, everyone got a mention! I think at one point he was grumpy at the fact we are going on a once in a life time holiday in 5 weeks!

Anyway, this week I am hoping for an improvement. I have a fridge full of food, I plan to feed him at regular intervals, say little to him, smile sweetly and hope he does not notice the happy pills I have crushed in his food!!

*Noah is currently poorly and I have written this whilst holding my beautiful little boy in my arms as he tries to sleep*

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6 thoughts on “GRUMPY MEN DO MY HEAD IN!

  1. Bianca Tarbet-Keeble December 3, 2012 at 2:03 pm Reply

    Oh and I completely forgot, he is uber grumpy as he tried to trim his eyebrows and ending up shaving half of one off. Yep and you guessed it, instead of just leaving it, he did the other one to match. He now not only looks grumpy but ridiculous too!

  2. H December 3, 2012 at 5:03 pm Reply

    Nothing like starting Christmas way too early to make a man grumpy. Maybe our lovely Christmas single will cheer him up now BACK OFF us husbands!

    • Bianca Tarbet-Keeble December 3, 2012 at 5:06 pm Reply

      He is now claiming he has man flu too…Love the song by the way!x

      • H December 3, 2012 at 6:14 pm

        You ‘re a harsh, harsh woman. He is coming out in sympathy with Kate’s pregnancy… More cushions and head strokes for his fevered disposition I say.

  3. Bianca Tarbet-Keeble December 3, 2012 at 7:02 pm Reply

    Reblogged this on IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.

  4. Bianca Tarbet-Keeble December 3, 2012 at 9:29 pm Reply

    Whoops he is even more grumpy now he has read my blog! 🙂 Have packed him off to bed with lemsip and a pat on the back, calling him a brave toy solider!

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